Helps the Healing Process of Pinched Nerves Naturally
Easy, Convenient and No Side Effects!
Pinched Nerve Disease is the layman’s term for Herniated Nucleus Pulposus (HNP).
Occurs due to shifting of the spinal column cushions and pressing on the surrounding nerves.
Can HNP heal itself?
Most HNP diseases can heal on their own.
However, there are also quite a few who experience ongoing pain for months or even years.
If so, what happens?
After that, can you fully recover?
In fact NO. The complaints can even get worse!
So what's the solution?
“Konsep Karnus” is a basic methodology for studying how the human body works based on the Creator’s algorithm starting from cellular level activities to the activities of the human body and its relationship with the universe.
Let's look at the following true story:
Disclaimer: the results obtained by each person vary depending on the condition of each body
Now you don't need to worry anymore
There is a Smart Way to be Healthy to help deal with Cholesterol Problems without side effects and dependency. No Preservatives, Flavorings, Synthetic Sweeteners
AG & AlgaTea (natural ingredients)
This nutrient-rich cereal drink contains collagen, resistant starch from banana flour, oats, rice bran and red algae. Helps meet the body’s daily nutritional needs and as an energy booster.
The content of powdered green tea, collagen and rosella powder makes ALGATEA an important nutrient because it contains protein, crude fiber and various vitamins and minerals.
ALGATEA comes from 78% powdered green tea which has strong natural antioxidant power so it can help maintain body immunity.
Beras Karnus is rice in which each grain is coated with bran, rich in essential nutrients so that it becomes “Rice Rich in Nutrition”
Rice bran is high in protein, fiber, vitamins B2, B3, minerals, natural antioxidants, unsaturated fatty acids & active components
Good for consumption by people with degenerative diseases (diabetes, heart, stroke etc.)
Berasal dari bahan-bahan alami berkualitas, sehinggaamandikonsumsi oleh anak-anak mulai usia 5 tahun, remaja, dewasa sampai usia tua.
Combine the consumption of these three products for more optimal results
Drink AG Cereal before every meal
Eat with BERAS KARNUS and various side dishes (high protein and fiber)
Stop eating before full
Drink ALGATEA 30 minutes after eating / after taking medicine
Add light physical activity
Sleep and rest regularly
Avoid stress and always believe that you can recover
Disclaimer: the results obtained by each person vary depending on the condition of each body.