Unknowingly, we may have experienced Gastritis, GERD, and Stomach Acidity since we were young.


Sometimes symptoms that are considered trivial over time can be a threat to  your health.

The stomach is a digestive organ that converts the food we eat into nutrients for our cells. Cell nutrition itself is the smallest part of the food components that enter our bodies.

The part of the stomach that is responsible for breaking down food is  Stomach Acid (Gastric Juice)


In treating gastric pain or damage to the stomach, antacids is normally prescribed to neutrilise the stomach acid. The stomach pain subsides due to less acidic condition. But the real situation; the damage to the stomach lining remains. This results in the deteriorating role of the stomach as the ‘bio-reactor’ of the body in breaking down the food into cell nutrients. 

Then what happens?

What Happens If You Have a Healthy Stomach?


For Gastritis Problems, GERD, and Stomach Acid
with a natural healing process

The Karnus concept provides gastric reconstruction solutions without neutralizing stomach acid

The Karnus Concept is a basic methodology for studying the workings of the human body based on the Creator’s algorithm, starting from activities at the cellular level to the activities of the human body and its relationship with the universe.

How Does the Karnus Concept Work?

Schematic of the Karnus Concept of repairing the stomach lining

Children as young as five years old, teenagers, adults, and the elderly are all safe.

This nutrient-rich cereal drink contains collagen, resistant starch from banana flour, oats, rice bran, and red algae.

Helps meet the daily nutritional needs of the body as an energy booster.

Composition of AG KARNUS

The Rice Bran

has been processed using a special technology so that it is not damaged, its essential nutrients are maintained, and it is carried out quickly after the bran is obtained from the rice milling industry.

Bovine Collagen

main fibrillar protein that makes up the connective tissues in our bodies, such as the skin, bones, joints, stomach, blood vessels, hair, and others.


Oats are known to be good for health because they contain high levels of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Banana Resistant Starch

Helps coat the injured stomach, so that the stomach does not hurt when conditions are acidic

Algae Minerals

Complex minerals that are easily absorbed by the body Made from marine algae (algae) extract, which is free from pollution

Cocoa Powder

Made from ripe cocoa pods, serves as an antioxidant and a source of unsaturated fat

The contents of green tea, collagen, and rosella make them important nutrients because they contain protein, crude fiber, various vitamins, and minerals.

Algatea comes from 78% powdered green tea, which has strong natural antioxidant power, so it can help maintain the body’s resistance.

Have you made your choice?

Composition of ALGATEA

Powdered Green Tea contains three times the amount of natural antioxidants as green tea extracts.contains the compound EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), which has the ability to prevent cancer and detoxify naturally.

Collagen is a type of fibrillar protein that has benefits for the formation of connective tissue, skin tissue, bones, joints, blood vessels, nails, and hair.

Rosella contains vitamins C and A, essential proteins, calcium, and 18 types of amino acids, which play a role in the process of rejuvenating body cells as well as antioxidants.

These are the True Stories of Those Who Have Successfully Implemented the Karnus Concept.

Disclaimer : The results obtained by each person vary depending on the condition of their bodies.

Testimonials (Screenshoot)

If you or your family experience something like the picture above, it's great, isn't it?

2 AG 1 AlgaTea

S$ 120.00

1 AG 1 AlgaTea

S$ 80.000

1 Starterpack AGAT

S$ 50.00

This product is made by experts in a hygienic factory that has implemented GMP (Good Manufacturing Process)

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